a brief overview, brought to you by a semi successful bruin.
After 8 quarters, 187 units, 23 final exams, and 2.7 gallons of redbull I can finally call myself a senior at this pseudo prestigious, not at all pretentious, classy and fabulous school known as UCLA. (fill in the abbreviation as you'd like, or say oooooklah. it's more fun that way.) In any case, I present to you 12 steps on surviving the hell that is the eleventh hour of the quarter. Enjoy.
1. Admit that you have a problem. No really. You did not attend too many lectures, nor did you keep up with your reading and you have a comprehensive history exam in roughly twenty four hours. That, my friend, is called a problem.
2. Learn how to multi-task. Reading your history textbook while driving; probably not the best option. Reading your history book while glancing at slides to keep your focus, extremely efficient. Go you, you rockstar.
3. Compile a list of study music. Mine consists of the entire DCFC Transatlanticism album as well as bits of Chilli Peppers and emo flares of dashboard on a playlist called 'zone.' It's supposed to get me in the zone---and no, not in the Britney Spears Sense of the phrase.
4. Bake cupcakes.
a. feed into your ocd
b. keep your mind off the material for the thirty minutes it takes to festively frost (lucky charms!) the glorified muffins of your dreams.
c. provide a fun, energizing study snack! I'd say healthy as well, but funfetti is only good for the soul...and when was the last time soul food didn't lead to premature heart attacks?

6. Shop for no reason. Like I said there's no reason.
7. Facebook stalk people you went to highschool with who you're no longer in contact with at all. It's always nice to know that superiority complex you had panned out in the long run.
8. Evaluate your itunes playlist. Do you really have a song called 'yeloomooni,' four variations of 'hands down' and the entirety of Tupac's Greatest Hits on your computer?** If the answer is yes reflect back on a time when you were on an unheard of amount of illegal substances.
9. Check everyones aim away messages. Obsessively. You do it anyway, you creep.
10. Stare at your bed longingly. You used to remember how amazing that pink cloud felt when you slept for +14 hours.
11. Update that blog you started for what reason again? Oh right, Fluffy told you to.
12. Look for an adventure. Mine consisted of driving to campus, picking up a stray who I knew a million years ago, cursing those who partake in the midnight yell*** and giving the drive through man at in n out a handful of yellow starbursts. I hate yellow starbursts.
happy studying, kids:)
*Also known as success week, a la Winter Quarter 2006.
**Some people might also question the complete Aladdin Soundtrack, however I consider that an amazing musical addition.
***A close second to Undie Run in the 'Most Useless Campus Tradition' lineup.
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