1. Watched Crossroads. Two hours of my life I'll never get back, and really I'm okay with that. Must always remind myself that pre K-fed Britney Spears was a goddess.

2. Completely re-organized my bookshelf. I finally parted with +100 books that at one time were held near and dear to my heart and was able to shelve all of my Harry Potters (which used to sit in a stack about as tall as me next to my dresser.) and various other books which have been in drawers/under my bed/gone fishing...you get the picture. Call me a nerd, but at least my literary realms reach beyond 'The Cat in the Hat."

3. Met Bob the Builder. It was love. Don't tell Robin.

4. Acquired a sweet new ride, which was swiftly

5. Went vintage shopping on Melrose where I realized boys clothes are much cuter than girls clothes (which makes me wonder why more boys don't dress better because, really, they should.), no matter how hard I try I can't make a mens Ben Sherman sweater fit like a cute sweater dress, and even though $15o is an amazing price for a Marc Jacobs bag it's really not if you're just not that into it. I also almost bought a newsstand. Then I realized I'd have nowhere to keep it.
I've rounded off every night watching too many episodes of scrubs and falling asleep in ways that put funny dents in my face in the morning. This is the good life, don't knock it till you've tried it.
classic, I dress nice don't I?..
...thanks for the cat in the hat cheap shot! Hahaha
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