Meet my new BFF. I thought I was done with the ETS after it whipped me into submission in high school with roughly ten AP tests and multiple SAT sittings, however I was wrong. Even though I managed to dominate last time, I'm really wary about this round of tests. Maybe it's the lack of ridiculously overpriced test prep courses, the fact that I really am in this one alone, or the scary 'gre gnome' (princeton review's term, not mine) which is controlling my fate inside the computer---but something just isn't clicking this time. In any case I've spent the past three days at borders (I'm that broody chick alone in the corner with my really big book, only instead of Hemmingway it has a creepy Asian girl on the cover) and have written so many vocabulary flashcards my right hand has slowly become a very unattractive claw, which makes typing this extremely difficult.
The crazy thing? This is self-elected. If only I was content being a bag lady.
yay, productivity!
i was like, that book looks super familiar, and then i realized it used to be mine.
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