Tuesday, July 29, 2008


the earth quaked at 11.50something AM today.
magnitude: 5.8 (pretty fucking legit.)
damage: one sprained wrist, one broken crystal vase, various books and cds in disarray.

...and for the majority of the day i was concerened about the whereabouts of my silver tiffany's bracelet. the earthquake (we'll call it jeffrey. i've always thought it was a little unfair that hurricanes get names and earthquakes don't, so i've decided to name it instead.) anyway, earthquake jeffrey managed to make it disappear behind my dresser and it took the combined efforts of me and my siblings about an hour to find it. damn you, jeffrey.


Jersey Engineer said...

lmao the one chance we had to give a natural disaster a non white name and u call it JEFFREY!

The Reza said...

Jeffrey - hahahaha...thats too funny