Sunday, September 6, 2009

as for now i'm gonna hear the saddest songs.

My life would be so much easier if I could hate you. If I could bring myself to the point where anger meets disgust and say 'good riddance' to everything you've put me through in the past five years.

It's not like I don't have my reasons; I should hate you for giving up on us. I should hate you for not thinking I was enough. I should hate you for giving up on me, I should hate you for making me question everything I believe in. I should hate you for using me. I should hate you for building me up just so you could let me down. I should hate you for every single empty promise. I should hate you for making me trust you. I should hate you for making me believe in you.

But right now I should hate the fact that for the first time in years I'm alone on my birthday. And you won't even acknowledge that.

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